second year

In the next spring we give the shrubs some extra nourishment bij giving them vertilicer.

When temperature goes up the shrubs will bud. If we leave all the buds we would get many short and thin stems on a shrub, and be back to where we were before Wintertime.

That we will prevent by thin out every shrub and decide how many stems on each shrub will grow on. We do this bij taking away some offshoots bij hand. we call this picking. On older shrubs we leave more offshoots, they have more growing power then the young shrubs.

After picking the offshoot will soon make length. At this time they are very sensitive for the wind. the offshoot are very britte and can,if there is a hard wind, break off the shrubs.

To prevent this we stretch supportnet over the shrubs. The offshoot grow through the meshes of the nets and get support bij heavy winds.

The stems are fully grown in about a mouth, and get wood-like. At that time we remove the support nets from the shrubs, for the stems won't break off the shrubs.

Just before the stems are fully grown, they develop flower buds. We must help the shrubs to do so. Not all kind of Lilacs develop flowerbuds easy by nature. It alse depends on if it is a dry Summer or not. When Summer is dry and hot a Lilac develops flowerbuds more easy. And that is what we want, nice thick brenches with lots of flowers.

We can influence nature bij treating each shrubs. This can be a chemical spray, which is easy but will not be effective for all kinds of Lilacs. With other kinds we must give the shrubs the feeling they will die, so bij hand we cut the roots. The shrubs will let his gens survive by making flowerbuds whom must produce seeds.

Then we let the shrubs to take it easy. The roots than wille recover and the shrub gets the feeling it will all get well again. The shrubs will put new energy in making stems thicker.

In the early Autumn we thrust the shrubs loose by hand 9 And shovel), which means to thrust around the shrubs, raise the shrubs and thrust the bottom of the shrubs in a straight way.

When all shrubs have been taken out of the soil, we bring them to the nursery by boat. Not yet in the greenhouses, but on an island in the neighborhood of te greenhouses, storage where we put all the shrubs. Bij transporting the shrubs from the island onto the boat and from the boat onto the storage we make use of conveyorbelts.

We take away all the shrubs from the islands, in order to put on a new layer of slush. Th soil of the islands exists of peat-soil, this will be consumed by soil live. The consequence is that the islands sink. If you wouldn't bring slush on the islands for years and years, the islands would slowly sink into the water. The islands are seperated from the water by a wooden fence whichs sticks into the water.


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